
There’s a moment in your Network Radio career and probably in your general Radio career as well that you have several different devices connected to different technologies or networks. This often results in dragging around multiple handheld devices to stay connected with your favourite fellow radio folks on their own networks.
We have Zello, ZelloWork, WalkieFleet, Real PTT, Echolink, PMR, DMR, … and so on.

Personally I have a private WalkieFleet Network for me and my family (Clan Caignie), a professional WalkieFleet network for my crew when at work and I use Zello to keep in touch with my favourite Network Radio buddies. So that’s three networks to monitor. Actually two, because when at work al the rest is shut down, to keep focussed. When at work i only run the Family WalkieFleet network on my Smartphone in case of emergency if my wife or kid is are in trouble.
So I end up with two networks that I would like to monitor at the same time, Zello & my Clan Caignie WalkieFleet network. And as we all know, most PTT applications are not social pieces of software. They all think they are the center of the “PTT universe” and claim the PTT button. I’ve written some articles about using multiple PTT applications on one device and most of them work fine but sometimes you wish you just have it all in one application. This was the starting point from were NR001, ZRB003 , NR0216 and me NR515 at started testing.

Continue reading “Crosslinking”

Multiple PTT apps on your Device

Some of use more than one PTT app on their Network radio.
Me, for example, I use Zello for hobby and when at work I use WalkieFleet to communicate with my team. I don’t like to carry around to many devices
(I do like to collect them though 😁 ).
Other hobbyists like to use peanut, echolink, …

Zello, in its greatness, has a few items that might need some improvement or modification, but I’ll leave that to the project managers and developers. I’ll just stick to solutions and work arounds.

When you install Zello it claims all usage over the PTT button. No matter what you do, when you push the PTT button it will push Zello as primary PTT application and it will pop up. (Unless you disabled background usage in the PPT menu in Zello, but that’s only when your screen is off.)

This is actually great when you only use Zello, but like me if you use other apps like WalkieFleet it’s quite annoying. There’s are two ways to work around this:

Continue reading “Multiple PTT apps on your Device”