This post is actually a combination of different “Tips & Tricks” I previously wrote in the knowledge base. I’m not going to explain all settings again. Just hit the tags in the sidebar most of the subjects discussed here are filled under “Button Mapper” and “Zello“

Since a few weeks I’ve got this new found love for the first Network Radio I bought: the Inrico T320. As you all know, i’m a huge fan of Telo, I love the build, the audio quality, the design … and especially the big touchscreen. So for a while I was very happy with my TE-590 and I still am. But preferences changes over time. Ever since I started using Walkie Fleet at home and at work, I struggled with the dual app that needs to be configered: Zello for Hobby and Walkie Fleet for Work and Home use.
And now the thing that first led me away from the T320 is actually the thing that I most love about it: Its keyboard. I’ve found out that with most big touchscreens I often accidentally hit the screen and disable or enable stuff! The smaller screen on the T320 is less sensitive and in combination with Button Mapper I’m super fast in changing Apps, settings, channels, ….
So here’s a short description on how I set up my Inrico T320: